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Training program AE

AE 630 Digital Design Techniques and Methodology-II: VHDL for FPGA Design
Intended Trainee

Engineers who wish to becomeskilled in the practical use of VHDL for FPGA or ASIC design

Engineers who are about to embark on the first VHDL design project

Knowledge acquired

VHDL language concepts and constructs essential for FPGA design

How to write VHDL for effective RTL synthesis

How to target VHDL code to an FPGA device architecture

How to write simple VHDL test benches

The tool flow from VHDL through simulation, synthesis and place-and-route


Introduction The scope and application of VHDL H Design and tool flow FPGAs #TheWDL world

Getting started The basic VHDL language constructs VHDL, source files and libraries The compilation procedure #Synchronous design and timing constraints

FPGA Design Flow (Practical exercises using a hardware board) Simulation #Smbesis Place-and-Route A Device programming

Design Entities Entities and Architectures #Std logic #Signals and ports, # Concurrent assignments # Instantiation and Port Maps The Context Clause

Processes The Process statement th sensitivity list versus Wait# signal assignments and delta delays # Register transfers# Default assignment # Simple Testbenches

Synthesizing Combinational Logic If statements # Conditional signal assignments and Equivalent process # Transparent latches # Case statements #Synthesis of combinational logic

Types VHDL types le standard packages # Integer subtypes# std logic and std logic_vector Slices and concatenation #Integer and vector values

Synthesis of Arithmetic Arithmetic operator overloading #Arithmetic packages # Mixing integers and vectors # Resizing vectors# Resource sharing

Synthesising sequential Logic RISING_EDGE #Asynchronous set or reset # Synchronous inputs and clock ena Synthesisable process templates #Implying registers

FSM Synthesis Enumeration types #VHDL coding styles for FSMs #state encoding #Umeachable states and input hazards

Memories Amay types # Modelling memories #IP Generators #Instantiating generated components # ImplementingROMs

Basic TEXTIO TEXTIO# READ and WRITE # Using TEXTIO for testbench stimulus and outputs # STD LOGIC_TEXTIO

Estimated Training Period:

4 Days

Required Software/Hardware:

Mentor Modelsim

ALTERA DE-2 115 board/DE2 NANO Board